Almost 47 years, how is that possible? We led the boomers and are taking the heat for the excesses but how many other generations have seen and led the way to the changes we have. We lost our youthful optimism on Novemeber 22, cried when our friends were killed in Viet Nam and students were beaten by Chicago police, were proud when men stepped on the moon and cheered when Nixon resigned. We fought long and hard to upend norms concerning our roles as women, worked long hours to achieve in the corporate world and now worry that we cheated our children by the time we spent on that fight.
I was born the day Hiroshima was decimated and like most things in my memory the arguments continue as to whether that saved lives or was a massacre. I guess that reflects the biggest difference between that person on graduation day and me today, then everything was black and white, wrong or right, now I see grays everywhere. Almost nothing is as it seemed on graduation day when it seemed as if we had forever to make our mark on the world. Now the clock ticks and we search for meaning.
Thank god for memories of football games, bonfires, the twist, "this or that", Gary "US" Bonds, Freddie "Boom Boom" Cannon, firedrills etc.
Where are you now and what are you thinking?


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